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Fertility Services
We are committed to providing the very best service to meet your needs.
Fertility Services

Antral Follicle Count Scan
Antral follicle count scan measures a woman’s ovarian reserve, or her remaining egg supply. The ovarian reserve reflects her fertility potential and are visible through a vaginal ultrasound.

Pre-Treatment Scan
A Pre-Treatment Scan allows more flexibility for couples and reduces the amount of time spent away from home during the treatment cycle.

Follicular Growth & Endometrial Thickness Scan
This type of scan is performed to assess follicular growth and endometrial thickness, usually during and IVF cycle to assess growth, this enables the IVF clinic to make decisions about medication during the cycle.

Endometrial Thickness Scan
During a natural and stimulated cycle, it is important to assess the thickness of the endometrium (womb lining). Endometrial thickness needs to be 7mm or above for a pregnancy to be able to implant.

Follicle Tracking Scan
Follicle tracking ultrasound scans are used to identify the growth of follicles in the ovaries and if follicles are present, to monitor them until ovulation occurs.

Aquascan / saline scan
An aquascan is a simple ultrasound procedure used to visualise the endometrial cavity (the inside part of the uterus) and the endometrium (the lining of the endometrial cavity).

Male Fertility Semen Analysis
Semen analysis is a test, which is used to assess male fertility, it evaluates the semen and the amount and quality of the sperm contained within it.

Intralipid Infusion
Research has suggested that women who have failed to conceive or maintain a pregnancy as a result of abnormal Natural Killer (NK) cell level or function may benefit from the use of intralipids.

Mock Transfer
The mock embryo transfer is a trial run of the actual embryo transfer. It allows the doctor to determine the best route to place the embryo within your uterus.

Endometrial Scratch
An endometrial scratch is a procedure which is performed to help embryos implant and increases the chances of pregnancy.

Endometrial Receptivity Analysis
The Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA) test is a pioneering new method of assessing when the endometrium (womb lining) is most receptive.

We can provide a private prescription for medications, prescribed/requested by your fertility clinic, learn more.

Injection administration and teach
If you require injections as part of your fertility treatment we can administer these for you or teach you how to self-administer, learn more.

Ovulation Calculator
Are you trying to get pregnant and wondering when do I ovulate? or when are my most fertile days?

Fertility Health Check
A fertility health check is useful for both men and women. Learn more.